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Cardiology With a Personal Touch

We are a private cardiology practice committed to providing the highest standard of cardiovascular care.
Our heart specialists at Southern Cardiology have the knowledge and experience for both adults and children.
Our services include diagnostics and treatments for a variety of cardiovascular diseases, in the Sutherland Shire, St George Area & South Coast Region

Office Based Testing

Southern Cardiology Specialists offer cardiac care that is progressive & of the highest standard in their field. Be certain you are in safe hands.

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Our friendly doctors are shown below. They are committed to providing the highest level of patient care and satisfaction.

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Southern Cardiology

74 Kareena Rd, Miranda, NSW 2228

Southern Heart Centre

Suite 18 Level 4, St George Private Hospital, 1 South St, Kogarah, NSW 2217

  • Royal Australasian College of Physicians
  • Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand
  • Fellow of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
  • The Australian Council On Healthcare Standards
  • St George's Hospital Community Health Services
  • St George Private Hospital
  • Ramsay Health Care